A1 Class Blog


Welcome to A1's class blog. Here you will see regular updates from our class giving you an insight into the work we get up to. 


A1 have had a busy week this week! 

We continued with our sensory story – ‘Shark in the Park’ Pupils have been working towards their targets when listening to the story. Pupils have been sequencing the story from memory. In Math’s we have been learning about symmetry and pupils have been identifying the symmetry in images by matching the other symmetrical side. In understanding the world, we have been looking at habitats and what animals are in different habitats  

In Food technology we made valentine’s day cookies, pupils used heart shaped cutters to create heart cookies! We have enjoyed our Attention Autism sessions they have been valentine’s day themed, pupils have enjoyed watching hearts being made of glitter as well as blowing bubble paint to create patterns on heart shaped paper.  

Have a fantastic weekend! See you on Monday for another action-packed week! 


A1 have had a busy week this week!

We started our new sensory story – ‘Shark in the Park’ Pupils have enjoyed some sensory items such as characters from the story, grass from the park and feathers to resemble the crow. We have then described pictures from the story! In Math’s we have continued to focus on big and small, some pupils have arranged real life objects into ‘big’ and ‘small!

In Food technology we have focused on our peeling, we peeled potatoes and made them into chips using the air fryer! We have enjoyed our Attention Autism sessions in them theme of under the sea! Pupils enjoyed watching paint jelly fish form in a bottle as well as creating their own under the sea picture using a spray bottle. Pupils have also been practicing their road safety skills and identifying different types of crossings such as zebra, pelican and toucan!

Have a fantastic weekend! See you on Monday for another action-packed week!

Meet the team...
Miss  Jackson

Miss Jackson

Class Teacher and Team Teach Instructor

Miss  Dobson

Miss Dobson

Teaching Assistant

Miss  Morrow

Miss Morrow

Teaching Assistant

Mr  Hepton

Mr Hepton

Teaching Assistant

Miss  Dodds

Miss Dodds

Supply Teaching Assistant

About us

In A1 class we have five pupils and four staff. We are a sensory class that follow a mixture of an informal and semi formal curriculum. Most students communicate using a combination of spoken words, symbols, visuals, communication books and boards to help them communicate throughout the day.

We all love sensory play (making a mess!), food technology and rebound therapy! We enjoy taste testing the food we make! We work really hard on keeping regulated everyday.